LMP 2022

Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics, and Physics Graduate Conference

June 11-12, 2022

Department of Philosophy, Stevenson Hall, Room 1145

With Keynote Address from Craig Callender (University of California, San Diego)

“Keeping Quantum Mechanics Real: Complex Numbers, Time Reversal, and Schrödinger’s First Equation”

Held in conjunction with the QISS Conference (June 6-10, 2022)

June 11, 2022

9:30 am (EDT)        Kabir Bakshi (Merton College, University of Oxford)“Dualities and Empirical Equivalence”
10:30 amBreak
10:45 am  Fabian Pregel (University of Oxford) “Neo-Logicism and Gödelian Incompleteness”
11:45 am   Lunch
1:00 pm   Mingkun Chen (University of Cambridge) “Are Dispositions Instrumentalist? A Realist’s Reply on Quantum Ontology”
2:00 pmBreak
2:15 pm   Francisco Calderón (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)“The Causal Axioms of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: A Diagnostic”
3:15 pmBreak
3:30 pm   Keynote Address: Craig Callender (University of California, San Diego)“Keeping Quantum Mechanics Real: Complex Numbers, Time Reversal, and Schrödinger’s First Equation”
6:30 pmDinner

June 12, 2022

9:30 am         Daniel Grimmer (University of Oxford)                          “A Dynamical Approach to Spacetime without a Manifold”
10:30 amBreak
10:45 am  Eugene Chua (University of California, San Diego)“T Falls Apart: On the Status of Classical Temperature in Relativity”
11:45 am   Lunch
1:00 pm   Xinhe Wu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)“A Theory of Boolean Valued Models”
2:00 pmBreak
2:15 pm   Awarding of the Robert K. Clifton Memorial Book Prize     Winner: Eugene Chua

The LMP Graduate Conference is supported by the Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Rotman Institute of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Department of Mathematics, Department of English and Writing Studies, Western’s Society of Graduate Students (SOGS), School of Graduate & Postgraduate Studies, and Western Research.


Martin Zelko (chair), Yichen Luo, Antoine Mercier, Nicholas Michieli, and Todd Nagel.